Local church donates to United Food Bank.
Hope Lutheran Church presented two checks to the United Food Bank of Plant City on Jan. 7 following the youth Christmas program on Dec. 20. The checks were comprised of the offerings received at that service and was dedicated to the Children’s Nutrition Program of the food bank, which provides groceries to area youth when school is not in session. The program gives groceries for breakfast and lunch to the families who utilize the food bank.
The offering totaled $638 and a member of Hope Lutheran came forward with an anonymous matching gift of $500 for the program. The congregation of Hope Lutheran frequently provides assistance to the food bank and Rev. Dean Pfeffer serves on its Board of Directors. The checks were presented to Mary Heysek, director of the United Food Bank of Plant City.
Tomlin Robotics
Students from Tomlin Middle School’s robotics classes are participating in the Vex IQ Robotics Tournaments program. They participated in the Tampa Bay State Qualifying Tournament, held Dec. 12 at Coleman Middle School in Tampa. Tomlin’s teams placed second, fifth, and sixth overall and advanced to the next competition on Jan. 27 in New Tampa.
Plant City sweeps at FFA sub-district competition.
Durant High School placed first in Parliamentary Procedures at the sub-district competition and Durant’s Cole Hanson won first place in Prepared Public Speaking. Tomlin Middle School placed first in Parliamentary Procedures, Tomlin’s Brenna Sturgis placed first in the Creed Speaking competition and the school placed second in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies event.
Best of Plant City voting begins
The Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce has officially opened voting for the 2018 Best of Plant City Awards. Voting is open from Jan. 10 to Jan. 18 and the award ceremony will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 8. The awards were created to honor and celebrate the businesses and individuals in the Plant City community who go above and beyond the call of duty. You can cast your vote at BestOfPlantCity.com.
On Dec. 22, the “Santa Sled Festival brings early Christmas to Plant City” article incorrectly said the Kiwanis Club gave more than 300 toys to children. It gave more than 1,500 toys.