The community unites for the annual Carefest and a Tartan takeover is coming to Plant City.
City unites for Carefest
Carefest, an annual event comprised of volunteers that gather together to improve their city, was held Saturday, Jan. 20. Over 200 volunteers assembled to tackle community service projects throughout Plant City.
One project was held at Wilson Elementary School. City Pointe Church assisted in landscaping work and prayed over the campus. Both young children and adults gave their time to better their community.
Tartan takeover
First Presbyterian Church is hosting its 20th annual Kirkin O’the Tartans at 10:45 a.m. Jan. 28 The event will celebrate the church’s Scottish heritage and feature the St. Andrews Pipes and Drums of Tampa Bay.
The church, located at 404 West Reynolds St., will have a concert on the lawn and a luncheon after the service. Nursery is provided and all are invited to attend. The event is based on the national Kirkin’ service, which has been held annually since 1954. In 1941 Rev. Peter Marshall, a Scottish born pastor of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington D.C. introduced the Kirkin O’the Tartan service to his congregation.
It honors the time under English rule in the 1700s when wearing a tartan was illegal. Scottish citizens hid tartans in their pockets and, at a secret moment during worship the minister would bless those in attendance while the Scots held the tartan in their pocket.
Now the service is held in churches across the world and is celebrated by the displaying of tartans and the sound of bagpipes.