Chamber's annual bowling tournament and Plant City wins award.
Chamber’s annual bowling tournament
The Plant City Chamber of Commerce held its annual bowling tournament Thursday at Family Bowl.
There were 12 teams at the event, many of whom came in matching t-shirts, tutus and even sumo wrestling outfits. The cost was $150 per team or $40 for individual players. T Clayton Jenkins Construction Co, Inc. was the official ball return sponsor and Raulerson Castillo & Company – CPA’s and Consultants and Walden Lake Car Wash and Service Center were lane sponsors.
South Florida Baptist Hospital won first place and Community Care Center won second place. Jarrett Scott Ford won Best of the Worst and Hillsborough Title won Best Dressed Team for their sumo outfits. HCC Plant City Campus won the worst team score trophy and Jarrett Scott Ford won Best Team Score.

Plant City wins planning and design award
The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission awarded Plant City Right. Now. with a 35th annual Planning & Design Award in the investment category. The event was held on Oct. 19 at TPepin’s Hospitality Centre. A news release said the judges loved the “visionary approach to economic development and the impressive progress” the group made in a short period of time.
If you could turn back time
Daylight savings time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, so don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday and enjoy that extra hour of sleep. Daylight saving time will begin again March 11.