Alieana Hussey, Elizabeth Byers, Elissa Ferguson, Mark Harris
Band director, Chris Anderson 2
Daylopn Sutton, 6th, Tomlin
Dugan Stitzel Tomlin, 7th
Jorge Espinosa, Kevin Suqui
Jorge Savillon, seventh
Lyle Baker, Brittany Brooks
Maggie,7, Will, kinder, Molly, 3
Olivia Mitchell, 8th, Tomlin
Ava Raab
Caden, kinder, springhead
Carson Sutton, 3rd, Cork Elementary
Christian Contreras 5th, Vanessa Contreras, first, Somer Ray, fifth
Clay Leslie, 5th, 10
Cody Christie
DonnaRay Stitzel
Kellan Mitchell, 2, First Presbyterian Church Preschool
Levi DeGraaf, kinder, Shiloh Charter School
Lyric, Aria Eng
Maddie, 5
Alyssa Danker, Alyssa Scaplen, PCHS
Sandra and Eddie Romero
Scarlett Plants Kindergarten
Bogan Stitzel, Christian Riddle
Carson Mitchell, 14, Frshman PCHS
Chasity, freshman PCHS
Danielle Stiffler, Arianna Leon, freshmen, PCHS
Kori Coleman, Abby Castillo, Lazaro Torres, Junior, PCHS
Tanner Pope, Seffner Christian Academy
Tesla Arment, Jr. Zach Tottle, Sr., Christian James, 10
Victoria Bowen, Spenser Goss, Senior, PCHS
William Lamoreaux, senior and David, freshman
Connor Woods, 4, Shiloh Charter School 8-21-12
Gabe Ortiz, Tomlin
Take a sigh of relief, moms. The new school year began Tuesday. Students crowd the halls excited to see their friends and favorite teachers.
Bailey Elementary hosted a ‘Kleenax and coffee’ breakfast for parents of kindergartners. The principal of Tomlin Middle School, Susan Sullivan, dressed up as Wonder Woman to motivate students on their first day of school. High schoolers chatted before heading to their homerooms.