2023 Florida Strawberry Festival Court member Fe Jacquelyn Ramirez, daughter of Celia and Antonio Ramirez, is a junior at Plant City High School and dual-enrolled at Hillsborough Community College. She is a varsity cheerleader, plays flute in the school band, a member of the Plant City Running Club and a member Future Health Professionals (she aspires to a career as an orthopedic surgeon). She volunteers at the Plant City United Food Bank, Plant City Main Street, Top Buttons and Plant City Junior Women’s Club.
Ramirez dreamed of being on the Queen’s Court since she was a young girl. She is a veteran of the pageant scene, having competed in the Florida Strawberry Festival Junior Royalty Pageant. Although she’s too young to remember, she also competed in the baby contest. This was her first appearance in the Queen’s Pageant.
“A court member is more than just a crown and a sash,” she said. “It’s having a servant’s heart and I hope to leave a legacy on this community and the Florida Strawberry Festival.”
Q: Who helped you achieve the goal of making it on the court?
My mom has always set an amazing example of how to work hard, be kind and that my dreams are achievable no matter what obstacle I may face. I also have to thank my coach Brittany Carson, who not only prepared me for the pageant but for life. I’m thankful she mentored and guided me through this process.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about your year on the Court?
I am most excited for the Florida Strawberry Festival. I was born and raised in Plant City and I’d attend the festival every year. Now that I’m on the court, I’m an ambassador for the festival and plan to make my family proud as I give back to the community. I’m also excited to be able to leave a legacy.
Q: What’s your favorite part of the Florida Strawberry Festival?
There’s no better festival than ours. What I love most about the festival is our community. They come together every single year to celebrate the strawberry harvest.
Q: What’s your favorite strawberry food?
Without a doubt, my favorite food is the strawberry shortcake I get from the St. Clement’s strawberry shortcake stand. I love the biscuits (because cake gets too soggy), strawberries with ice cream on top. The festival is sometimes hot and it cools you down.
Q: Is there a concert you’re looking forward to attending at the Florida Strawberry Festival?
I’m definitely looking forward to seeing Josh Turner! The very first time I heard one of his songs, it truly sparked my love for country music. I cannot wait to see him sing my favorite song by him, “Hometown” because like the song says, I truly am a homegrown hometown girl! I’m so excited to see Josh Turner as one of my very first concerts ever!
Q: What’s your favorite memory of the Florida Strawberry Festival from your youth?
Every year growing up, me, my brother, and three cousins would all get together and attend the
Festival. It was me, my brother David, and my cousins Jojo, Evan and Eddie, some may even know us as the Fab Five! Us all being different ages and in different grades, this was one of the few days where we would all get to spend the entire day together. It was always so much fun riding all the rides together and just being able to truly bond. Being the only girl in the group, I sometimes had to convince the others to ride a scary ride with me! Now looking back, I’m so thankful to have spent my youth at the Festival with my family, not only just enjoying the best rides and food, but the special family atmosphere that the Festival and Plant City provides.