The voting lines at Bruton Memorial Library have been out the door for two weeks. Plant Citians have been inundated with political ads on TV, YouTube, texts, and phone calls. The tight national polls, missteps, and highly contentious presidential race added drama in the buildup until November 5. Now it is all over. The effects will be felt for at least the next four years. Here are the resulting winners, and amendments and referendums that passed or fell short.
Some of the results are preliminary, and are subject to change as additional votes are counted. Election winners and the vote on amendments and referendums are below.
President and Vice President
Donald J. Trump/JD Vance (R) – 277 electoral votes; 51.8% oF popular vote
United States Senator
Rick Scott (R) – 50.52%
Representative in Congress District 15
Laurel Lee (R) – 56.2%
State Attorney 13th Judicial Circuit
Suzy Lopez (R) – 52.7%
State Senator, District 23
Danny Burgess (R) – 58.8%
State Representative District 68
Lawrence McClure – (R) 63%
Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
Victor Crist (R) – 50.9%
Property Appraiser
Bob Henriquez (D) – 51.8%
Supervisor of Elections
Craig Latimer (D) – 52.8%
Board of County Commissioners District 4
Christine Miller (R) – 58.2%
Board of County Commissioners District 6
Chris Boles (R) – 52.1%
Justice of the Florida Supreme Court retention
Renatha Francis – Yes – 61.5%
Justice of the Florida Supreme Court retention
Meredith Sasso – Yes – 60.5%
District Court of Appeal
Anthony K. Black – Yes – 68.6%
School Board Member District 7
Lynn Gray – 50.8%
Soil and Water Conservation District Group 4
Tyler Barrett – 64.7%
Amendment 1: Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards
Did not pass – 54.9%
Amendment 2: Hunting and Fishing
Passed – 67.3%
Amendment 3: Adult Personal Use of MARIJUANA
Did not pass – 55.9%
Amendment 4: Abortion
Did not pass – 57.1%
Amendment 5: Annual adjustments to the value of certain homestead exemptions
Passed – 66%
Amendment 6: Repeal of public campaign financing requirement
Did not pass – 57.1%
Referendum 1: Renewal of the community investment half-cent sales tax
Passed – 50.4%.
Referendum 2: The School Board of Hillsborough County millage election
Passed – 66%