The 2024 Bike with the Mayor event was held at Gilchrist Park. Members of the community gather before sunrise to promote bike safety, bond with their mayor and city commissioners, and honor Florida Bike Month. Three representatives spent about two hours at the Trinkle Center fielding questions from about 120 area residents and business owners while offering some of their legislative reports and personal insight into a few issues relevant to Florida and, in some instances, Plant City. Plant City’s First Presbyterian Church hopped in to help make the 175 residents of Solaris HealthCare Plant City’s Easter a bit more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Plant City Main Street welcomed the community to Plant City Premiere Lux Cine 8 & Pizza Pub for the premiere of three videos to highlight downtown. First Baptist Church of Plant City (FBCPC) Associate Pastor Tommy Warnock celebrated 40 years with the congregation. The Young Gentlemen’s Academy was introduced as a new non-profit organization that equips young men with life skills to succeed academically, socially, and personally. We introduced you to The McNeely Farmily Rescue and Sanctuary, which provides rescue, rehabilitation, and retirement for domestic and agricultural animals. PCHS held a Military Signing Day for students who were trading in textbooks for boot camp and future careers in the armed services. Durant senior Nick Hawkins secured a scholarship to Webber International University thanks to his exceptional skills on the water. A preview event drew a throng of people to take tours through the new South Florida Baptist Hospital. Pelican’s Snoballs hosted a book signing for local author Stephanie Shuff, whose second children’s book, “Lessons From the Beach: 8 Faith-building Stories for Kids” hit the virtual Amazon bookshelf. The Final Tour of Duty Poker Run was hosted by AMVETS Squadron 44 in Plant City.