Little Miss Plant City Court recognized at City Commission and faithful employee receives reserved parking spot at South Florida Baptist Hospital
Mayor honors pageant winners
Mayor Rick Lott officially recognized the members of the Little Miss Plant City Court Monday at a City Commission meeting. Queen J’Zell Gilbertsen, First Maid Annistyn Griffin and court members Addison Griffin, Brooke Browning and Kacie Culbreth received a proclamation and congratulation from the Mayor as they represent Plant City in various parades and events throughout the upcoming year.

Reserved parking for 40 years of service
Candace Greene, an employee at South Florida Baptist Hospital, received a reserved parking spot on July 6 for dedicating over 40 years of service to the hospital. The hospital has honored others with similar dedications and every year a banquet is held to praise all team members who have reached a service milestone in the past year. The honorees are also given a book from which they choose which gift they would prefer to receive based on their years of service.