A Plant City trash truck driver goes out of his way to brighten the day of a two-year-old boy.
Walden Lake resident Karen Romero and her grandson, two-year-old Braxton Herold, wait patiently in her front yard twice a week for the much-anticipated arrival of the trash truck to drive by to pick up their trash.
Braxton is learning to talk but several words that are part of his vocabulary: “garbage truck”, “big truck” and “white” (because the truck is white).
“He loves all big equipment but he especially loves the garbage truck,” she said. “He’ll follow the truck, walking on the sidewalk, until it disappears around the corner and he even says ‘bye bye’ to it.”
This would be the end of the story if not for the kindness of Solid Waste Equipment Operator II Agustin Hernandez. Determined to make his day even more special, he started to wave and honk the horn whenever he passed by. Braxton’s face would light up with joy as he watched the garbage truck go by, eagerly waving back at the city employee.
However, Hernandez wanted to take it a step further. One day, he decided to surprise Braxton by taking a minute to park his truck, get out, walk over to the young boy, say hello and give him a fist bump. He even let Braxton’s “Mimi” (Romero) snap a quick picture of the two of them.
Hernandez’ simple act of kindness didn’t go unnoticed. Braxton’s grandmother, overwhelmed with gratitude, sent an email to the city manager’s office alerting him of the employee’s compassion. “We’re a family that pays attention to our service people and children see them for who they are..they’re heroes,” she said.
City Manager Bill McDaniel agrees. “Our city operates on five core values and this act touches on two of them: engagement and outstanding customer service,” he said. “Everybody that works here is part of this community and we’re tied to it, the people who live and work here mean something to us and Agustin really showed that.”
For Hernandez, who’s worked for the city for five years, it’s all in a day’s work. “I have kids and grandkids of my own and it’s important to interact with children,” he said.
Hernandez’ story serves as a touching reminder that even the simplest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others. Through his genuine care and thoughtfulness, he managed to brighten the day of a two-year-old boy. His actions remind us all of the power we hold to make the world a better place, one small act at a time.
“Today’s social outlook is different, people don’t go out of their way to be nice and he did and it make a very big impression,” said Romero. “I wanted his bosses to know he’s making a difference.”