Plant City Observer

Allen Chapel AME Church celebrates 120 years

It’s been 120 years since the Allen Chapel AME Church held its first church service in a one-room framed house located between Laura, Alabama and Lake streets. The area was known as the Roux Mill. The congregation used boxes for benches and flaming torches for lights. The church is deep-rooted in history and tradition.

The congregation of the Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church will get to celebrate its history Feb. 9 and Feb. 10 during its 120th anniversary celebration.

On Saturday, Feb. 9, the church will celebrate with a gospel concert called “An Evening in His Presence.” It will feature a Tampa singing trio, “Women of Grace,” as well as a Christian rap artist.

“It is a big day for us,” said Floyd Cook, the church’s public relations representative. “Every year the Founder’s Day celebration is always a huge celebration.”

Floyd expects 300 people to attend the celebration.

A group of families that includes the Ashfords, the Pages, the Cummingses, the Williamses, the Strongs, the Johnsons, and the Byneses founded the Allen Chapel AME Church in 1983. The Marshalls, the Carmichaels, the Smallses, the Houstons, the Andersons, the Isoms, the Robertses, the Romeos, the Byrds and the Members also joined the congregation shortly after the founding.

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The Rev. A. L. Bronson was the first pastor appointed to Allen Chapel; Bishop Daniel A. Payne, the first bishop, appointed him.

In 1905, the members began looking for a more comfortable location. The Benbows donated land on Laura Street across from Southland Frozen Food Plant.

The congregation purchased the present site of Allen Chapel, 1109 E. Laura St., in 1919 for $1,000. The members bought four lots to make space for their growing

congregation. In 1923, before building the church, they built a parsonage. Rowena Ferrell Brady was the first child born there. The church was built in 1925.

In 2011, the current pastor, the Rev. Ricky Polk, and his wife, Judy, came to Allen Chapel.

“Our founding fathers planted seeds of faith, and even today, we continue to harvest God’s richest blessing from those seeds,” Polk wrote in a prepared statement for the celebration. “The yield of those seeds has flourished into great oaks, and many are finding spiritual shade underneath their branches.”

Tickets are available at the church office or by contacting Floyd Cook, 863-409-0769.

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Allen Chapel AME Church 120th Anniversary Celebration


Where: 1109 E. Laura St.

When: 7 p.m Feb. 9; 11 a.m. Feb. 10

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Tickets: $10 for adults, $5 for youth

Contact: Allen Chapel AME Church, 813-752-7389

Floyd Cook, 863-409-0769.

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