Plant City Observer

AMVET Post 44 Donates $600 to Plant City Nonprofit

On Friday, Plant City’s local AMVETS Post 44 presented a $600 check to Plant City Armed Forces Memorials Foundation to help with the upkeep and beautification of Plant City’s Courier Field and Veterans Monument park.

The donation, the proceeds from the AMVETS’ monthly Commander’s Bartending Day, Breakfast and Steak Shoot fundraiser, followed the group’s sponsorship and attendance at Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans event, held at the park in March to recognize the sacrifice and service of Vietnam veterans.

“Many of our members attended the event that was hosted by the foundation and thought it was such a blessing for us to be there,” said former post commander John “Doc” Cameron, retired Navy CW04. “When we left the event, we wanted to help them continue doing what they’re doing.”

The fundraiser is held on the third Sunday of every month. It begins with an open-to-the-public breakfast (costing about 10 bucks a plate) from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. with full bar service, followed by a basket raffle and a steak shoot, a game that’s kinda like playing bingo but with playing cards. Winners walk away with tender ribeye or t-bone steaks.

“All the tips that come in for the cooks, bartender and servers and the proceeds from the raffle and steak shoot, benefit the charity that’s selected that month,” said Cameron. “I was the bartender that month and I sure worked for those tips.”

Current post commander Inetta Bullock, retired Navy CW04, said Parks like Veterans Memorial Park are hands-on history. “I like places like Plant City that pays homage to our veterans,” she said. “The park allows us to look at our past, our present and our future and share it with family and friends.”

Judy Wise, one of the nonprofit’s board members, accepted the check. “I am just so happy to accept this check and we thank the AMVETS immensely,” said Wise. “These funds will help with a landscaping project we’ve already started in the park by taking out the old bushes and planting new ones. If the park is named Veterans Monument park, it better be well-maintained to honor the men and women who serve this country.”

The nonprofit has also reinstated the Memorial Brick Program, which allows individuals and families to commemorate a veteran with an engraved memorial brick placed in the park. Bricks cost $250 each. Applications are available at Bruton Memorial Library, Plant City YMCA, Krazy Kup, AMVETS Post 44 and American Legion Post 26.

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