Plant City Observer

Annistyn Faith Griffin says Farewell

Photo courtesy of Jose Lozoya

My greatest honor has truly been representing not only the festival, but the entire Plant City Community. Since childhood, the festival has always been a part of my life. The eleven days each year remind me of why Plant City is so special. I genuinely believe the Florida Strawberry Festival helped shape me into the person I am today. Of all the years I have gone to the festival, there will always be a special place in my heart for the 2024 Florida Strawberry Festival.

I thank God first and for most for blessing me with this past year to give of my heart, joy, and time. I could never put into words how grateful I am for this community and the love they have shown me throughout the years. 

As this past year’s Strawberry Queen, I was able to see what it takes to make this festival so successful. I would love to say thank you to all the volunteers and paid staff who put in countless hours to make the festival a memorable tradition.

At the festival’s core we celebrate Agricultural and the harvest of berries. I would like to take this moment to thank every farmer who sacrifices so much to continue to make Plant City the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World. 

Mr. Kyle, thank you for always meeting us with a smile even on those days that we had to start before the sun came up. I will hold countless memories near and dear to my heart with our many road trips filled with laughter, singing, and always Chic-Fil-A. Mr. Timmy, thank you for driving us everywhere and for protecting us all year long. 

To the directors and their spouses, thank you for welcoming us to the Festival Family with open arms. We appreciate your love and support more than you know. To the Plant City Lions Club, thank you for all the hard work you put into making this pageant such a fun experience. The girls and I would also like to thank you for your generosity with our scholarships and for supporting us in furthering our education. To Mrs. Gail and Mr. George, thank you for investing in us girls and loving us like your own kids. 

To Ms. Donna and Mrs. Lori, I truly do not know what the girls and I would have done without you both by our sides throughout this year. Words cannot fully express the gratitude I have for you both. Ms. Donna, thank you for always keeping us in line and teaching us to never act foolishly. Your outlook on life continues to drive and inspire me daily. Mrs. Lori, thank you for exemplifying how to love like Jesus. Your patience and kindness radiate to everyone you encounter.

To the four girls that have stood by my side through everything this year, God truly blessed me with the best Strawberry Sisters I could have ever had. 

Tay-From the moment we met at rehearsals, I knew in some way that God was opening a door to a forever friendship. Little did we know a few weeks later our bond would grow even stronger having you right by my side through this amazing experience. Thank you for always looking out for me and helping me prepare for all events. I love you more than you will ever know.

ZZ- Oh how I wish I could have met you sooner in life. You have a way of making any situation good or bad become something worth smiling about. Your fun and charismatic spirit made every event a moment worth remembering. You have filled my life with so much joy and laughter and I thank you for being one of my best friends, I love you so much!

Goosie – The second you stepped into my life you filled a place in my heart I did not know that I needed to fill. You make my life so much brighter and happier, and I live for the moments I am with you. Your love for this community shines through everything you do. Thank you for always making sure I looked my best and for always fixing my crown. Never change. I love you forever.

Abbie Louis- If Pre-K Addi and Abbie could see where we are now, I just know those little girls would be so proud. You have always been the life of the party and the girl I run to when I am down. You make every situation better with your uplifting and silly spirit. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader and my go-to dance partner. I love you to Mrs. Sheila’s Pre-K class and back.

To all my family and friends, I could not have gone through this experience without you. Each of you has pushed me to be the best version of myself, and I thank you for your unwavering support. Every smile, every hug, every word of encouragement has meant the world to me. You each have stood by me in moments of joy and sorrow, and your presence has made all the difference. I am truly blessed to have such an incredible circle of people by my side. 

 To my sisters Lisee and Addi, you will never know how much each pep talk and piece of advice has meant to me. Thank you for always supporting my dreams and capturing my biggest moments.

To my mom, this past year has gifted me many special moments with you, that I will cherish forever. I am extremely grateful God gave me you to look up to in all aspects of life.

To my dad, thank you for always going the extra mile to support me during this past year. I will cherish every dance practice and moment that we got to share because of this experience.

Lastly, to my community, thank you for believing in us girls and changing our lives forever. Plant City- you have left your mark on me, but I hope I left a more impactful one on you. 

With all my love,

Annistyn Faith Griffin

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