We asked Plant City: Growing up, what was one rule in your parent’s house you absolutely had to obey?
Every single one if I cared about my life. Lol
Rachel Pate Thornton
You guys had options?
Stephen T. Galindo
Manners and absolute respect for your elders. Home by dark. Dishes are to be done as soon as dinner is over. Chores are done everyday and bleach and Pine-Sol day every Saturday morning.
Rhonda McCullough Lariscy
Quiet while my dad was on the phone for business.
Stacey Peakcock
Hang clothes up and keep bedroom tidy!
Clyde Bull Nelson
“Don’t touch the thermostat!”
Shannon Marie
Home by dark!!
Lucy Davis
Um….all of them
Jessica LeMire
Make my bed…b4 school
Kelly Pittzer
Tammy Easters Bridges
Whatever they said, no questions ask!
Lynett Brownlee Griffin
All of them!
Jackie Pascal
Chores after school
Jennifer Benton
Stay out of their room
Windy Williams Farmer
All of them…and the list was long..
Ed Little
Always clean up after yourself.
Matthew Sublett
Never lie.
Miguel Gabriel
If you drink don’t drive. Do the watermelon crawl
Travis Falkenberg
Don’t talk back
Amy Nettnin Parsels
No lies- no matter what.
Janet Bethart Maze
Debbie Dukes
Don’t touch the guns unless someone is breaking in and we are not home. Load the shotgun sit at top of stairs. Amen!
Aaron C. Detrick
Leave it like you found, clean.
Jeannie Denny
Do your homework, then you can go play.
Shannon Layne