Plant City Observer

Around Town 02.27.25

Do you visit the agricultural area of the Strawberry Festival? What’s your favorite part?

The sale! Getting to see the buyers year after year and knowing most of them were in that sale ring at some point years ago is amazing! There is no community like ours!!

Morgan Mullis

I love seeing the agricultural community come together to support all the kids in 4H and FFA With all their animals and plants.

Sheila Sullivan

I’m just great full for all of the Hispanic people picking the strawberries. It’s a really tough job too do!!!!

Miguel Gabriel

The Steer Sale, to support FFA & 4-H

Daisy May

It’s always great to check out the projects 4-H and FFA students work so hard on. If you haven’t seen one of the costume contests, check them out! They are so fun.

Kayla Marie

The lamb costume contest is my favorite thing!

Denise Hope

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