We asked Plant City: Have you ever seen a ghost in Plant City? If so, when and where?
Working as a CNA in an ALF in Dover working the 7 p.m. – 7 a.m. shift I definitely saw a ghost in that place and the owners’ pets would act all weird staring at the wall.
Anay Daniel
Seeing things, no not yet. But I was doing a spirit box session about a year or so ago at the train station and got several intelligent answers.
Brandon L.
I’ve never seen anything but there was definitely something else living in my home I’m in now and every single one of my friends will tell you they’ve heard or felt another presence. I don’t think it’s disturbed anymore but I do give space to whatever it is that cohabits my home with me. If you believe the Bible then you know there’s things we cannot see on this earth. I don’t know if ghosts are the right term, but there’s definitely things not of this earth around.
Mary Ann
I don’t recall seeing any, but I know that there were at least a couple in my previous home because I heard them and one of them touched me. I lived in the historic district.
Amber Owens
Westside Village I believe it was a young woman with straight hair and she wore a white gown. She waved to me when I was laying down in me and my sister’s room. At the time it was super dark and I don’t know how she knew I was there! I slept where I can see the corner of the kitchen and it was super dark! She appeared out of nowhere, looked straight at me, WAVED and walked into the kitchen. All the lights were off I the room I was in and she knew I was the only one awake and waved, bruh. I close all the doors now before I go to sleep.
Jess Torres
The theater downtown in haunted.
April Robbins
I used to drive 92 East home after work almost every single night. This is closer to the ‘methner’ area, but right before you get to Kelly’s Hideaway, I would always see a small flame, like a single candle or a lighter, on the left side in the trees…of course when I passed by in the daytime, it’s nothing but trees..every single night I would see it.
Carol White
Ghost in the middle of the graveyard in downtown Plant City.
Lacey Robbins