We asked Facebook: If you’ve gone to the Florida Strawberry Festival this year, what was your experience like?
“A lot of fun! My children and I had a great time. Many were wearing masks and the lines were short.” — Ashley Krol
“We loved it, the kids got each ride 2-3 times each over and over, food was great as always” — Natalie Gonzalez
“No, not this year. Too many ppl I know have recently had Covid so I’m going to keep myself safe with my asthma. I hope the healthier ones are out there enjoying themselves though! I’ll hopefully be back next year seeing some concerts. I know this year the festival may not make as much $$ as other years but I bet next year you will make up for it. I’ll see you then. Until then will someone have a Carmel Apple for me? Or a nice hot corn dog?” — Angie Tindal
“Perfect! Small crowds mostly family, and lots of safety measures put in place! Even 90% I would say are following the mask inside mandates! Florida Strawberry Festival has this handled!” — Morgan Mullis
“We went on senior day which was the first day, felt safe had an enjoyable day, we wore our mask” — Barbara Skaggs Ward
“Not going. Don’t want my children who have not been vaccinated yet to be in crowds yet. But absolutely miss it.” — Leah Coblentz
“It was awesome!! We had a great time and my kids had a blast! Will be going back before it ends.” — Jennifer Bookmiller
“We took the kiddos out there for about 5 hours on Friday. Not crowded. So many sanitary improvements – kudos to them for all the hard work they’ve done! Ride operators even sanitizing between riders. Everyone was respectful to each other’s space and pleasant all the way around. Hubby and I making a date night of it tomorrow night” — Kristen Toney Campbell
“I went Thursday and Friday. Great time. Felt safe and everyone was going the extra mile to ensure cleanliness. The shows were handled safely as well!” — Ashley Newby Smith
“My daughter went and she said it was great! Plenty of room to space out, ur scared then stay home. The rest of will live our lives!” — Jessica Rutland Hodson