We asked Facebook: How have social distancing, the recent 10-person gathering limit and other effects of the effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus affected your daily lives?
“We are hanging in there ! I cook all the time but now we have made an effort to buy take out to support those less fortunate. My husband comes and goes to and from work but that is set next week for him to work from home. After this weekend we intend to not go in public for at least 15 days.” – Barbi Lynn Bartholomew
“Everyone in the service industry is one step away from ruin. I have a side hustle 2 nights a week. Now that’s gone. So I’m losing money too.” — Susan Fairchild Gray
“We are fine. Giving us lots of family time and time to work on the ‘to do list’. We r fortunate that we already worked from home. Would really like a list of ways to help others in our community.” — DeeDee Hawthorne Mathes
“Other than not being able to find toilet paper, no big deal. It’s given our family more time together.” — Jessica LeMire
“Completely crushed my livelihood.” — John Parker
“I’m still working which is a blessing as long as I don’t get sick. If I did the virus could really hurt my husband who’s also still working.” — Amanda Jungle
“I’m over 70 and have asthma so I stay away from crowds, sit in the sun by the pool for vitamin D and a spirit lift, walk in the woods and walk some more, cook lots of fresh veggies and eat those and fresh fruit and realize anew how lucky we are in Florida to have all that available and how foolish it is to pave over this blessing.” — Meg Scott
“My husband’s job has shutdown for now with no idea of when they will go back to work. He is the manager of his facility and usually is paid salary but while they are closed he will NOT get paid…We live pay check to pay check! Prayers appreciated!” — Lili Brooks-Armatrout