Plant City Observer

Around Town 4.18.24

We asked Plant City: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Always buy the small box of Imodium AD.

J.R. Pitts

Actions SPEAK louder than words!

James Eric West

“Never let someone rent space in your head for free.”

Jennifer Jordan

Don’t stress over the things you have no control over.

Janet Crane Davis

Repent and be baptized

Barbara Skaggs Ward

Worry about your own self.

Cayla Baty

“You cant let your anxiety inhibit your natural ability”

JoBeth Newsome gave me some of the best advice right before my ACT!! Still saying it to myself to this day.

Kyle Hamilton

Pennies turn to nickels to dimes to quarters to dollars to thousands. Be wise.

Tina Garrett Hauser

Pre pay for your funeral!

Candice Phillips LeClerc

If you don’t need it, it’s not a bargain.

Carrie Jeanne

Don’t start no stuff, won’t be no stuff.

Cody Lenz

“You can go broke saving money.”

In other words….Just because something is on sale or appears to be a good deal, doesn’t mean you have to buy it.

Robbie Jordan

It’s just a bad day not a bad life

Morgan Mullis

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