We asked Plant City: How do you feel about the new automated Cart-to-Curb waste collection program coming to Plant City this year?
“Plant City needs to make up its mind. I believe we had this a few years ago in Walden Lake! I’m sure this has got to cost a great deal of money to keep changing things! The large trash cans take up a lot of space inside your garage so some people store them outdoors, creating an eyesore. Then on trash days, they put the cans out and some don’t bother bringing them back in off the street. Not to mention, sometimes the trucks or wind knock them down and some land in the street and remain there until the homeowner gets home at the end of the day! Not a good look for a neighborhood! Our guys, that we have now, are very personable and helpful and do a great job!” — Tania Summers
“It’s terrible outside of city limits. You’ll find you have more trash on the ground than you’ve ever had before. Sometimes they won’t even dump the can.” — Ben Smith
“Definitely not a bad idea but my heart goes out to the folks that will lose their job or will the city be transferring them to other departments that’s my only concern, you might save some money but the loss of jobs in our town is not needed.” — Jessey Bradshaw
“Well if you live on certain streets where no cares about anything; it will be more uniform in how the garbage will look and help somewhat the appearance HOWEVER A HUGE SHOUT to our current men who go above and beyond to pick up things they should not and return cans appropriately and show such respect! I will miss saying hello each morning!” — Tina Carman
“Looking forward to it, I didn’t like seeing the guys working like that in 90 degree weather and smelling the rotten garbage, I don’t like anyone losing a job though, we had it in Illinois and it worked fine, I felt like Florida was behind when we moved here 9 years ago” — Barbara Skaggs Ward
“We have had this before, cans were very large and hard to move, ended up in Road, no personal service by a human, also job loss to some degree. Just a thought but I wonder if a uniform type trashcan would help with appearances but still be picked up by people, maybe we can have the best of both worlds, that would take extra thought but worth it.” — Jack Myers
“I am not thrilled about this but I am most concerned about the increase of our bill. My husband and I are in a fixed Social Security income.” — Cindy Snyder Bonnett
“All good as long as they still come twice a week!” — Joey Tomasina
“Eh. I don’t think that there was anything wrong with the current system. Now you will have to haul a can back and forth even if you only have a single bag to put out. Seems like a waste of resources to me… no pun intended lol” — Alicia May
“Prefer having the jobs and human doing it. The current system is amazing and the people doing the job work very hard at it.” — Will Hudson
“Not happy about additional cost” — Ryan Hughes
“Don’t mind the change and the uniformity. But will miss the interaction with my current professionals” — Jerry Bear Harrold