Plant City Observer

Around Town 6.11.20

Many of our readers have been sharing their thoughts on Black Lives Matter protests and rallies held in Plant City on our Facebook posts. This is what readers had to say about last Thursday’s rally in Midtown and downtown.

“Protest done right! This is the way it should be! People all around need to take this and repeat this in their town. This is how you make the change, this is how we come together. SO proud of my community today.” — Jessica Williams

“the norm has been it begins with legitimate protests and mourning for Floyd, them becomes rioting, looting and destruction. It is why downtown is boarded up… not because of the protests, but what usually follows. The same reason the Sheriff’s office had people in riot gear – better safe than sorry. We are blessed we had legitimate protesters versus the mix with outside rioters. What would be awesome is if the protesters shutdown rioters in the other cities – didn’t allow them to pull away from the legitimate protest cause – a focus on George Floyd.” — BA Armistead

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“I’m so proud of Promise! I’m so proud of the way this protest was done! We can never understand what Black people go through but with prayer, like this protest used, we can change lives, circumstances and the way ALL LIVES are treated. From the homeless on the street to the CEO of the largest corporation! I think we have to remember one race or job position doesn’t represent all! I worked at the school for a long time, I saw just as many rude white kids as I did black! I had coworkers who were of different races and I care about all of them. ‘Red and yellow, black or white all are precious in his sight!’” — Sandi Harris

“As one of the lady speakers said at the court house… ‘we can’t change the world, but we can change plant city! We can’t change the world, but we can change Hillsborough county!’” — Dylan Huntsman

“Too bad we can’t get this kind of response for other events downtown to support the city” — Karen Erickson

“Proud of Plant City for being kind and considerate and for the peaceful group that showed up. They made more of a statement than the rioters for sure.” — Fran Davenport

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