We asked Plant City: What’s your favorite way to celebrate the 4th of July?
“Sit at home and lie about finishing all my unfinished crafts/projects.” – Deon Black
“God. Family. Food. In that order.” Sheila Alberson Brock
“At home with AC, and without rude people.” – Tiffany Jones
“We been going for years to the Plant city Stadium to watch awesome fireworks that are put on by StingRay Chevrolet.” – Brenda Thomas
“Usually I spend it at Olive Garden munching on breadsticks but this year I’m going to be on the beach soakin’ up that sun baby!” – Ashley Saunders
“In Colorado and 70 degrees.” – Bruce Hildreth
“BBQ, family, fun and swimming.” – Jennifer
“In the water with a beer.” – Mike Archer
“At the range!” – Tonya Diane