We asked Facebook: Today’s county Emergency Policy Group meeting will include a discussion about the group’s future. Should the EPG stay its course, disband and let the county commission take over or stay together but shift its focus to hurricanes?
“Disband. Let each municipality take care of itself.” — Delicia C. Wallnofer
“It should stay for the sole purpose of not letting the commissioners have say so over municipalities. For instance the mask issue, if the county commissioners voted for it, then the whole county to include every city would have to follow. The way it was explained to me at least.” — Erek Hart
“Disband, they have no business making rule on mandatory masks. They do not write laws. They also do not run Plant City. Over reach committee!” — Beth Lamb Parks
“The EPG should be disbanded, at the very least for this instance. Let the municipalities act of their own accord. Plant City is not Tampa. We fall under Hillsborough County, but we elect our own officials to make rules for our town.” — Stephen T. Galindo
“It should have been the county commission from the start, with strongly considered input from mayors and sheriffs.” — Stephanie Elizabeth
“So far it appears any suggestions you make end up being reversed, and cause undue confusion. Drop the COVID and stick with storms.” — Bruce C. Hildreth
“Disband. Turn over to county commission as these are our paid elected officials.” — Frances Beaty
“They are no longer necessary for COVID. Not even sure they are necessary for storms. The state and federal governments can step in during those times or the municipalities can handle themselves.” — Bill Pollifrone
“I’ve never been one to feel better for having more bureaucracy in place. Disband.” — Dylan Flanagan
“Disband! Back to Hurricanes.” — Amanda Pierce
“Disband. The County Commissioners should make these decisions.” — Bill Gray
“Disband. Not very cohesive. Bumbling comes to mind.” — Judy Wise