This week we asked Plant City: With Last Friday in Downtown coming up, what are some other community events that you would like to see the city hold?
“That’s an interesting question because I work for the library and I handle adult programming so I try to come up with local things for us to do in the library, and we’re looking to bring back local programming in the fall so I’m thinking more in that kind of realm. Myself, I’m from Tampa so I’m not too familiar with what the city already offers but I would say maybe music events. I think that would be intriguing to me because this is an area that I don’t often come to except for work. Maybe something like a nature tour.” – Kelly Livengood
“Maybe like a sports day, or something like that at the local little league. We have the baseball and softball fields and all that so I feel like if they just hosted, then people would come out. They could have vendors. Kind of like an opening day, but not just for people who are part of the league, where anybody could come out and play.” – Alexa Tinney
“That would be nice, especially with how big sports are around here.” – Garrett Swaford