We asked teachers on Facebook: This school year is going to be unlike any other. How are you approaching and preparing for it?
“I’m actually excited to see what this year brings. I think it will be nice to have a smaller class size and will push many of us to explore new avenues as far as assignments and instruction.” — Kaylea Layton, Advantage Academy of Hillsborough
“Lots of prayers!! Don’t know how to prepare since we don’t know what the year will bring.” — Lynn Becmer, Jackson Elementary
“I’m a paraprofessional at Plant City High School. I am keeping a positive attitude, staying away from negativity as much as possible. There are a lot of unknowns, but I do know that I’m ready to do whatever is needed for the well-being of my students and co-workers. I’m trusting in the sovereignty and faithfulness of God.” — Casey Barnes, Plant City High School
“I am approaching this year with the attitude that I will do what ever is needed of me to help our students learn, grow and achieve… ‘I do not know what the school year will bring, but I do know that I will bring my best to the school year.’” — Jeannette Teeden, Plant City High School
“My wife and I are both teachers here in PC and we’re expecting our first child in a couple weeks. We’re very concerned for the unknowns COVID will bring.” — Andrew Young, Jackson Elementary
“Approaching it like I’m walking on egg shells! I haven’t done any planning or setting up because I don’t know what is going to happen. I usually have the classroom set up and all the students materials ready for them by now!! I really do miss being in the classroom and my kiddos!!!” — Melissa Nation, Jackson Elementary
“I’m PUMPED to go back to some sense of normalcy even if it isn’t the ideal situation. I’m staying positive and flexible!” — Megan Donini, Wilson Elementary
“I’ve taken lots of classes this summer so I can be as prepared as possible. But I am maintaining a flexible and positive attitude. Can’t wait for a new beginning.” — Aviva Baker, Jackson Elementary