Plant City Observer

Around Town 7.9.20

We asked Facebook: Would you prefer sending your kids back to school in the fall or enrolling them only in virtual classes, or do you have another idea for the school board to consider?

“I think it’s very important for kids to get back to school. I’m very worried about them getting sick. I think we should maybe start school a little late this year and see where we are, maybe late September.” — Brenda Snapp

“My kids both did great with virtual school. Their safety is much more important.” — Kristy Smith

“My kids did great with Edsby but my younger son needs someone to keep him focused. I’m a single mother and I have to work. I can’t be there to monitor him all day. It’s a catch-22.” — Jennifer McPherson Stuart

“I am an elementary school teacher and I prefer face to face. However, I understand if anyone living in their home has health issues that it would not be the best decision for them.” — Miranda Harwood

“My kid will be back in school this fall with her mask on. And we will take care of the mask the same way that we took care of other things that she may not want to wear out in public like shoes, clothes and her seatbelt. If I gave her the option of not doing these things, she wouldn’t have done them… (Even now, if I told her that she could go to school barefoot, she would) But they were non-negotiable and she knew it. I will be dealing with her mask the same way.” — Kristen Sorensen Holloway

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“I guess we are sending my kid back to school. I would much rather keep him home but being a stay at home mom with a toddler who needs attention as well, there is no way he would learn anything.” — Kristin Wright

“I would like my son to go back to school, but I am nervous getting sick. But the e-learning, I don’t agree with. Needs to be on a set schedule like 9 to 1. Zoom meetings and more work. I think in the beginning, maybe mid-September, see how things go and I would love for him to go back to school with teachers and kids.” – Jennifer McKevitt

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“We chose to go back to school! We will be educating our children about the importance of masks, hand washing/sanitizing and social distancing. We are both essential workers and we are grateful for this option, and blessed to have teachers willing to teach our babies! I would like to ask the school board to have an ample amount of hand sanitizer stations. And maybe come up with a cute video that explains how to stay sanitized, social distance and wear masks properly for the littles.” — Stephanie Eisenbach

“Split the time to 4 hours a day and cut out the extra curricular activities. Have a morning shift that ends at 11:30 so they can eat lunch and for the parents that chose the 12 to 4 for their kids. Have them eat lunch before class. Therefore the classes would not be so crowded and the morning teachers could catch up with answering questions for students/parents, grade papers and get ready for the next day. We need to concentrate on math, reading, writing, social and science. The children would not have to wear the mask but only 4 hours instead of 8 hours.” — Celena Chris Thrasher

“I was really hoping for schools to reopen under model B with the 40% in person schooling (with masks) and 60% elearning. This would hopefully decrease class sizes and minimize exposure while still providing the opportunity for traditional instruction, extra help when needed and at least some sense of normalcy.” — Harmony Lacey

“Omg get these kids Back to school and back to normal life we already had to miss graduation SMH” — Graciela M. Gonzalez

“At school with the OPTION for a mask. My son has terrible time breathing due to allergies. With a mask it will be impossible for him to breath.” — Diana Webb

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