We asked Facebook: On Monday, the city announced Plant City Police Department is entering a pilot program to gauge the effectiveness of body-worn cameras. Do you believe PCPD officers need body cameras?
“The only time bodycams are not effective is when the person wearing it turns it off. Which happens all the time. By all means though let’s slow down the obvious decision for bureaucratic nonsense.” — Daniel Joseph Nance
“Yes, I want them on for their protection!” — Jean Brinson
“Yes. To see everything that happens and to either find them guilty or innocent in all cases.” — Jess Garcia
“Of course they should. Transparency.” — Pamela Thompson-Iwicki
“Nope…. being a small agency, and having an outstanding performance record, the multimillion-dollar body camera program would not benefit anything. This is already been proven over and over again now that the anti-law enforcement agenda is calling for the removal of body cameras after it shows law enforcement not being as aggressive as they thought it would.” — Travis Emerson
“Cameras protect the officer as much as civilians. We only see the bad ones in the media, but for every one of those, there are 100 more complaints that are dispelled by camera footage.” — Brittany Nicole
“Yes. Cameras are totally objective and show what really happens. Would be extremely helpful in the court room to show unbiased evidence.” — Paul Rodney
“To protect the victims (civilians) especially.” — Margarita Flores