We asked Facebook: On Tuesday, Governor Ron DeSantis discussed policy ideas to allow some family visitation in long-term care centers. Do you believe there’s a safe way to visit loved ones in care centers or are the risks too great?
“The employees of these places go home to their families every day. Then go back and take care of multiple patients. I’ve said all along designate one family member to be the one and only visitor. That person wears PPE and visits their family. Win, win. And less exposure to infection than even the employees expose to the patient.” — Lisa Messer
“If they wear PPE I don’t see why they can’t do it. It may be an inconvenience and not very comfortable but at least it is protecting their loved ones and they are getting to see them. If they don’t want to go to the bother of putting all that on then they must not want to see them very badly or protect them.” — Patricia Powers Fraser
“My husband’s mother is in a nursing home in Ohio. We visited her last week while there for his dad’s funeral. She stayed in her room and we stood outside her open window (we all wore masks). It wasn’t ideal, but it was something, anyway.” — Debbie Gillespie
“As long as they wear masks and we wear masks I’m all for it! We haven’t been able to see our grandparents in person since March!” — Alissa Moyer Cribbs