We asked students, parents, teachers and other school faculty members on Facebook: What was the experience of the first week of students physically going back to school like for you?
“Our kids had a great first week. Glad we chose brick and mortar.” — Sherry Crews
“My daughter is freshman in PCHS. She had a great week so far. I have seen many students glad to be back in person. It’s life, make it a great!” — Fritzie Manalo
“It was great. I work at an elementary and the kids were all following the guidelines.” — Sheila Sullivan
“Great!” — Sandra Garcia
“It is so nice to be back working with my colleges and students. Students are doing a fabulous job with sanitizing and wearing masks. It’s not the perfect scenario but we are all making the best out of it as we can.” — Theresa Rice Griffin
“Amazing!!!! My child’s school was super welcoming and continued to do precautions without stressing the kids out due to this new norm.” — Maribel Cruz Rivera
“Well one week at school and my daughter already has to stay home for 2 weeks so be interesting to see how the rest of the year goes.” — Katherine Garza Londberg
“Not so good when the school has a/c issues with this virus and kids having to wear masks. This is at Turkey Creek Middle School!!!!!” — Maricela Salazar
“Great. It’s the first time my teen actually wanted to go back to school in years!” — Deanna Shaw
“LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!!! It was so great being with kids and back in the classroom. The kids (VPK/PEEPS) have done a phenomenal job keeping their masks on!! So happy to be back! Let the learning begin!” — Linda Herman
“It was awesome. No issues. My senior loved being back at the school.” — Shelly Roberts-Woods
“It was awesome to teach students! They are so excited to be back in class! My girls also are happy to be back in person. The students love it!!” — Jessica Stevens
“They loved it so much.” — Donna Keeler Elliott