Plant City residents weighed in on the city’s decision to demolish the historic Reynolds Street post office building on the Plant City Observer Facebook page, sharing comments and memories.
“I wish it made financial sense for someone to restore the post office. It’s got great character and is one of the few buildings in downtown with on site parking.” — Cody Lenz
“I remember finally being old enough to walk there by myself from my mom’s beauty shop. One day we’ll blink and we won’t recognize downtown.” — Sherry Pedone
“I remember finally being tall enough to reach the little silver latch to open our P.O. Box. I wasn’t allowed to turn the dial for the combination, but I was thrilled to open the box. I too would love to purchase that box.” — Patrick Flewellen
“Why destroy it? Ughhh! Why not rebuild it? We need another post office In downtown! Even if it’s small… how sad!!” — Maria A. Rubio
“It’s prime downtown space in a limited downtown. Please do not waste it.” — Allen Berrebbi
“Is have to agree with others that stated that there are far too many vacant lots and buildings downtown. If I were a developer, I would not want to spend my money here. The downtown area is an eye sore.” — Christine Wynne
“My grandfather, father and Uncle worked in that post office. Too bad the city did not decide to renovate years ago instead of allowing the building to just sit there deteriorating. Very sad! I feel as if they should ask all the people who live here in Plant City, especially longtime residents, their opinion as this is the people’s city, right?” — Peggy Gardner Adams
“When I was in high school, I took art class for several years. I remember one Christmas, in Mrs. Alexandroff’s class, we went up there and painted the windows. A sweet memory for me.” — Cheryl Thompson
“Wow!!! Another slab of concrete to add to our city. Why don’t you spend our tax (dollars) on busting out all these slabs of concrete, restore the ground and plant trees. Offer beauty. Our ‘midtown’ looks like a bomb blew away the buildings. There is very little eye catching beauty as you come into our town, from any direction.” — Jana Kirkland Butler
“I hate to see it go, but it is time.” — Dave Buyens
“Sounds like the prudent thing to do with the high cost of renovation.” — Bret Uspsa
“I would love to take a tour of this important piece of Plant City history. I’ve heard that there is a basement. True, I don’t know? I think that the space should be saved and utilized in a way that respects its history in our community.” — Cheryl Sheri Wakefield Wagner
“Honestly, it’s just sitting there. I have seen little to no upkeep on it.” — Erica Reynoso