Elizabeth Lyle
Elizabeth Lyle is a 13-year-old who attends Tomlin Middle School. She plays rec flag football for the Under Armor league on the Ravens team and basketball for the Sparks at Sadye Gibbs.
What’s your favorite thing about flag football?
Being there with all of my teammates and getting to play.
Do you like playing offense or defense more and why?
I like offense because we have a band for each person on the field, and we all get unique routes for every person and play.
What made you want to play flag football?
I wanted to start playing when my brother started his first year playing for the 49ers, but also watching UCF games with my mom and brother.
Do you have a favorite memory or play when playing flag football?
My favorite memory is every time me or my best friend Makayla would get a good play, we would jump into each other’s shoulders and yell “ayyyyy.”
What’s a sport that you haven’t played that you want to try and why?
I have always wanted to play volleyball because, at school, I tried out in sixth grade and didn’t make it haha, but I might be doing a camp this summer with my best friend Makayla.
If you’re not playing sports, what are you doing in your free time?
I would normally go to CrossFit with my mom or be on the phone with my friends or doing homework!
Would you want to play flag football when you eventually go to Plant City High School and why?
Yes of course! I believe that football is my favorite sport currently, but I love doing the Under Armor league.
If you could give advice to someone wanting to play flag football for the first time, what advice would you give them?
I would tell them to just be your self, no one is going to be perfect their first game, you can learn everything throughout the season.
What song would you choose to get you hyped before a flag football game?
That’s so true, by Grace Abrams
If you could make your own team name for flag football, what would you name it and what color would the jerseys be?
The Black Diamonds would be the team name and the jersey would be black with diamonds like sparkles!