Jaxon Buehlman

Jaxon Buehlman plays for Plant City Little League and was recently named an All-Star! He and the rest of his team just became the Minors Baseball Champions of the season on team V&R Insurance. Join us as we interview #44 as this week’s Athlete Of The Week!
How long have you been playing baseball?
I have been playing baseball for 5 years now.
What other sports do you play?
UA Rise flag football and I used to play soccer.
What’s a sport that you haven’t played that you’d like to give a try?
Rugby looks like a lot of fun. I bet I could be good at that if I tried.
Do you have a favorite highlight or career play?
I don’t have just one. My favorite is probably last fall season. I went the whole season with no strikeouts.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to make it to the MLB of course.
Who’s your favorite professional player in any sport?
Elly De La Cruz. He plays for Cincinnati and I am wearing his number this All-Star season.
What advice would you give a kid who’s wanting to play a sport for the first time on a team?
Don’t worry about losing, listen to your coaches, and go have fun!
What’s your favorite meal or snack to eat after a game?
I can tear up some Chick-Fil-A nuggets.
If you got to make your own team, what would the name be and what color would the jerseys be?
I like the name PC Stingerz. Blue/black and yellow jerseys.
What are some of your favorite songs to listen to get ready for game day?
Rolex by Ayo & Teo. And Natural by Imagine Dragons.