Reid Connell
Reid is an 11-year-old who will be a 6th grader at Tomlin Middle School in August. He and his team, the Miracles 11U team, just recently became champions in the Silver Bracket after winning the Cal Ripken tourney in Pigeon Forge, TN.
How long have you been playing baseball?
I’ve been playing baseball since I was 3, for 8 years.
What’s going through your mind during an at bat?
During an at bat I’m always thinking about using the right fundamentals.
What’s your favorite career highlight?
My favorite baseball highlight is when my team won our bracket in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
If you’re not playing sports, what are you doing in your free time?
When I am not playing baseball I like to fish, hunt, annoy my sisters, and play with my dogs.
Who’s your favorite player in the MLB and why?
My favorite MLB player is Josh Bell from the Miami Marlins because I grew up watching the Pittsburgh Pirates play and he was on the Pirates and really stood out to me as a leader.
What’s your favorite pre-game food or snack?
Before my games, I eat an applesauce packet and I don’t know why but I’m pretty sure it makes me play better.
Are there any other sports you play besides Baseball?
Right now, I’m focused on baseball but I’m looking forward to playing other sports in the future.
What’s something in baseball that you want to continue improving in?
I want to get better at all aspects and parts of the game.
If you could change the color of your team jerseys for a game, what colors would you choose?
I would change the color to pink and baby blue because I like that color combination a lot.
What’s your favorite songs to get you hyped before a game?
I like to listen to “Made in America” by Toby Keith.