Alexia Stone was picked to represent Hillsborough County in the Pinellas vs. Hillsborough all-star girls basketball game.
Alexia Stone spent four years on Plant City High School’s varsity girls basketball team and ended her career this winter as one of the most prolific scorers in program history with 866 total points. She made back-to-back appearances on the All-Western Conference second team this year and in 2018-19, and was also selected for the Hillsborough side of the annual Pinellas vs. Hillsborough all-star game that was scheduled for last Friday.
Know someone who deserves to be Athlete of the Week? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
The Pinellas vs. Hillsborough game didn’t happen as planned, so what’s your next move?
My next move is to wait til whenever all this craziness passes by, play in that game and of course I’m outside shooting, practicing by myself, whatever I can. I can practice outside or in my garage, play in my neighborhood with whoever’s outside.
What are your college plans?
I am going to HCC for two years and then I am transferring to USF. My major would be in sports medicine. After that, I’d go into the school of sports medicine and go for being an athletic trainer, physical therapist or sports medicine physician.
How long have you been playing basketball and what made you stick with it for so long?
About nine years. The reason I’ve stuck with it was because it’s something I love doing and it all began with going to the Y and shooting the ball, not knowing anything about the sport. I would watch Space Jam before every game. The connection with my teammates kept me with it, too.
Looking back at high school, what was your favorite game you ever played in?
I would say the game against Durant my senior night. It was like something no one had ever seen. I was just playing basketball and I didn’t think of anything else, I would just do whatever I knew how to do and it was fun. It was important to me.
What was your favorite thing about the PCHS teams you were on?
How young the girls are and how I can see how their skill levels will change drastically from freshman to senior level. It’s watching them grow and get better and it’s something I feel good about because I was there to help them, too. There was always a connection with those girls.
What will you miss most about high school basketball?
Game days. I’m ready to go. Practices, I’m there to get better with my teammates. It’s about all of us getting good together. Even though some were hard, we were all there to encourage each other.
What’s some advice you’d give to the next generation of high school players?
To always have fun with the sport. If you take it serious, be serious but also try to have fun with it. It’s only four years you’re playing and they can go by quickly. Have fun, make friendships and stay close to those girls when you graduate.