Trimble was Plant City’s closer in the playoffs.
Plant City Little League’s 12-year-old all-stars made it to another state championship game thanks to strong pitching, defense and offense. Closer Austin Trimble, who has a sidearm delivery, recorded four saves for PCLL throughout districts, sectionals and states. He didn’t allow any earned runs to come in and also had a .333 batting average.
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
What’s next for you in baseball?
Probably just the big fields, and high school baseball.
Where do you go to school and what’s your favorite subject?
Seffner Christian. It’s not my favorite, but the easiest is math.
What’s been your favorite moment of this last playoff run?
Probably when I had a two-pitch inning, or when Blaine (Rowland) hit that home run in the last game.
What’s been your proudest baseball moment?
Probably when we went to North Carolina last year, when we were runner-ups.
How did you get started in baseball?
I think my mom wanted me to play. I started playing and my dad, he already knew about baseball, so he just helped me out.
What’s the best advice anyone’s given you?
Just keep practicing.
Is there a Major League Baseball player you try to be like when you’re on the field?
On the Rays, probably Jesus Sucre.
Which position is your favorite to play?
Catcher or pitcher.