Corey King is headed to states in the long jump.
Plant City High senior Corey King is ending his high school athletic career with a bang. With help from his 22-foot, one-inch personal record long jump at regionals, King became the lone Raider to advance to today’s state championship meet. He had qualified for regionals in the long jump, triple jump and 200 meter dash, and was a member of the 4×400 relay team.
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
This seems like a pretty good way to close out your senior year. How do you feel about the season as a whole?
Well, coming into track season, I didn’t have as much confidence as I do now. Coming in, I was just doing long jump and triple jump. As the season progressed, I started doing the triple jump, long jump, 200 and 4×400. I felt myself doing better as a whole, as a person … When I came to school today, and everybody found out I had made it to states, it seemed like everybody in the school knew me all over again. First it was because of football, now everybody knew me from track. It was kind of exciting.
You beat your previous PR by 11 inches. That’s a pretty big deal.
It was. The day before, at practices, coaches and them didn’t think I was going to be able to do it. I told myself I’ve got to PR, or I’ve got to break the school record. That’s my main goal — I want to beat the school record.
What made you feel more confident out here on the track, and made you want to branch out?
I feel like it was my dad. When I came out for track, I told my dad every day how I was doing, how good I was doing. He just kept pushing me. Like, “Son, I feel like you can go to state and win those events.” I was like, “I hope so.” This Saturday, I made it to state in the long jump. He was happy. He was there (at regionals), so I felt good.
How long have you been doing track and field?
I did it before. I started in 10th grade but, in 10th grade, I didn’t take it so serious. In 11th grade, I started doing the triple jump. My 12th grade year, I really wanted to go out with a bang.
You’ve got college coming up soon, at Ferris State. What are you looking forward to about that?
Honestly, I’m ready to go. I’m ready to go experience the college life. I just want to play football again — it’s been a while since I’ve played football. At the same time, I’m trying to go up there and run track, too.
What do you plan to major in?
Broadcast journalism.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out in high school sports who wants to go to states, or win districts, or do things you’ve done over four years?
Just stay positive. Always tell yourself that you can do it. Keep God first. Keep your head in the classroom, and also in sports. Just live life. You only live once. Play until you can’t play no more.