Gordon will play for the University of Minnesota next year.
Plant City High School football star D.J. Gordon IV is best-known as one of the top linebackers in Hillsborough County. The University of Minnesota commit is eager to get back on the field on Friday nights and determined to help the Raiders get back into the FHSAA playoffs.
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
I understand one of your favorite things to do is ride horses. How many do you have?
I got one horse, her name is Lucky. It’s just the first thing that came to my head when I saw her. She’s a quarter horse, a big quarter horse. It’s fun to sit back and ride them on the trails, see how they react, see how they respond to water. At first, (Lucky) was scared of water and it took a long time for her not to be scared of water. Now she’ll swim in it all, she’ll go straight to it.
Do you have any other pets?
My mom has a teacup chihuahua and my dad has a couple pit bulls, like four of them. I love animals.
You’re gonna play for P.J. Fleck over at Minnesota next year, row the boat. What made you pick Minnesota over other schools you considered?
First off, they were recruiting me hard before they even offered me. When they offered me they started recruiting me even harder. Talking to the coaches on a daily basis consistently, not just a couple times a week or something like that. Checking up on me and my family every day, seeing how we’re doing. I wanted to see how the head coach and the coaches lead their team and coach Fleck, he’s a very energized coach. He’s just remarkable. He’s got a lot of energy. He works out with the team, runs with the team, he practices with the team.
What’s your proudest moment as a Raider so far?
This year. Now the community, everybody’s coming out. When they see me or the team in public they speak. Everybody in the community knows me, knows the team. It’s fun to be here now.
What do you think you’ll miss most about high school ball?
I would say practices because it’s way different in college. It’s way more work. Being around brothers, people I know.