Jair Garcia helps Plant City soccer play well.
Plant City’s boys soccer team won five of its first six games, and played to a draw in the other one. While the Raiders get their goals from other sources, head coach Caleb Roberts calls Jair Garcia an “engine that makes the team go.” Garcia, a sophomore, also plays for Mayor Rick Lott’s Tampa Dynamo FC team, and played in Europe in July.
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How do you feel about your role with the team?
This is a really good school. Playing for this team has really given me a lot of friendship here. It feels really good, playing on a team with great players.
How long have you been with the team?
Just this year.
What brought you to the team?
I moved out here. I used to play at Strawberry Crest.
How long have you been playing soccer?
Since I was 9 years old.
What do you like about soccer?
It’s a lot of companionship. It’s very competitive. I just love the sport.
It’s not always easy to switch schools and teams. How did your switch from Crest to Plant City go?
Very good. Everybody really helped me out. Everyone’s been a really good friend to me.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a soccer field?
A bicycle kick in a semifinal game two years ago.
Where were you playing a few years ago?
I was in Mexico. I came here three years ago.
What are the differences between Mexican and American soccer?
Here, all the guys are taller and stronger. There, everyone is aggressive, but they are small. There’s a lot of skill. Guys here are athletic. It’s more disciplined here. Passing the ball, getting off the ball — it’s more disciplined.
If you could play for any team in the world, what would it be?
Atlético Madrid or F.C. Barcelona.
Do you play any other sports?
Sometimes, I go to the park and play volleyball and basketball with my cousins. But most of the time, I play soccer.
Is there any sport you’ve never tried, but want to?
What’s your favorite subject in school?
I like world history and English.
What do you want to do after you graduate?
Play for a college, maybe USF.
Do you hope to go pro one day, or do you have other goals?
My plan is to go pro.
What would you buy with $1 billion?
A house, and a car for my family.
What advice would you give to someone new to soccer?
Work hard every time you’re on the field. Don’t be selfish. Trust your teammates.
What’s the most important advice anyone’s given you about playing soccer?
Work hard.