Joseph Escobar has helped the Plant City Dolphins Midgets team stay unbeaten in league play in 2020.
There are many cogs in the machine that is the Plant City Dolphins Midgets football team. One of them is Joseph Escobar, who joined the Dolphins this year and contributes all over the field on offense and defense. He is a two-sport athlete who can also be found on the baseball diamond and works hard at everything he tries.
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Going undefeated in a regular season isn’t unheard of, but not giving up a single point to any opponents? That’s wild. How did you and your teammates on defense stay focused enough to do that?
Being smart and training really hard. Practice, training and teamwork.
Which positions do you play?
I play receiver, sometimes wing back. I like receiver and outside linebacker because there’s more action. As a receiver, you never know what’s gonna happen. And on defense you can hit people as hard as you want.
You’re new to the Dolphins this year but not to football. What made you want to play here?
I thought it would give me more exposure.
How do you feel like you, as a player, performed this year?
I think I did amazing. I felt confident in myself and, I don’t know, I felt really confident. I didn’t think I was going to be a starter… I just thought if I trained hard, put in the hard work and dedication, I could be out there like all the other good players on the team.
The TCYFCC playoffs are starting soon. What are your personal goals for that run?
Succeed more in football.
Who do you play baseball for and what’s your role on the team?
I play for North Brandon Little League. I’m a pitcher and I play SS, OF, 1B and 2B
Do you like one of those sports more than the other, or are they pretty much tied?
I like football more because that’s what I really grew up playing. I like contact. When I first got the hang of it, I knew it was gonna be my favorite sport.
Which athletes do you look up to and try to play like?
Antonio Brown.
What advice would you give to someone who’s starting to play football for the first time?
You’ve got to have confidence. You’ve got to be dedicated and put in hard work, for sure. And you have to have good grades.
What’s the best advice you’ve gotten from a coach?
Never give up. Stay confident in yourself.
What was your favorite game of 2020?
The UYFL game when we played the Brooklyn Chiefs. I had a fumble recovery on a forced fumble pickup, a kick return touchdown, four tackles and hard hits.