Levi Jordan played well in the Tournament of State Champions.
In the Tournament of State Champions, each of Plant City’s 9-10-11 Baseball All-Stars worked hard as the team took second place. One of its unsung heroes was outfielder Levi Jordan, who batted .400 and came through at the plate in crunch time when needed. Manager Mike Palestrini says Jordan was “critical to our success” and calls him a “great team player.”
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
Your coach said you played well in the Tournament of State Champions. What was the experience like?
It was really cool to be able to play all good teams from the southeast region and be the second-best.
I know it wasn’t your first time playing in the tournament. What’s your favorite thing about it?
Probably how nice the fields are. They’re really nice. It’s not something you see every day.
What’s your favorite moment from one of these tournaments?
Probably my first year, I laid down a perfect bunt right down the line and it kind of rallied them. It helped us win the game.
And you guys finally beat Virginia this year. It didn’t work out the first two times but, this time, you guys were finally able to win. How did everybody feel when you won?
Everybody was pretty excited that we finally beat our enemies in this tournament.
You’ve been playing with these kids for a few years now, so you know them pretty well. What’s the most fun thing about playing on this team?
Just to be able to play with such a good ball team. I have lots of friends on that team. We all know each other and we like to have fun wherever we are.
How long have you been playing baseball?
Since I was 5, so about seven years.
What got you into it?
I saw it on TV and I thought it was pretty cool, so I tried it and it was really fun.
What made you want to stick with the game this whole time?
I just like the point of the game. It’s fun to just get the hit and make amazing plays and stuff in the field. And it’s just really fun to be able to play with a bunch of friends and stuff.
What’s your favorite position to play?
Center field. You’re kind of like the king of the outfield and it makes you feel like a boss.
What’s something you want to get better at?
Probably hitting.
What are you best at?
Probably just fielding and keeping the ball in front of me.
What’s the best advice a coach has given you for playing the game?
To not drop my shoulder when I’m hitting, because I have a tendency to do that.
What advice would you give to somebody picking up the game for the first time, just like you did a few years ago?
Probably to just not really care about what you’re doing in the field — just enjoy it while you can because you just don’t want to be beating yourself up the whole time you’re playing. You want to have fun.
What’s your favorite baseball team?
The Tampa Bay Rays.