Noah Jones recently won a Swimmer of the Year award.
One of the top competitive swimmers for the Campo Family YMCA’s team is Plant City resident Noah Jones, who recently won the club’s Swimmer of the Year award. Jones also enjoys competing in triathlons, and plans to take up boxing in the summer.
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
How did you feel when you found out you won Swimmer of the Year?
I felt good. When I went up, I felt a little bit nervous to get the award, but it felt good.
How long have you been with the Campo swim team?
I think this is my third year. Before that, I was at the Plant City Y.
Sounds like that’s been going well.
It’s been good. We have a really good coach that’s committed.
When did you start swimming?
I think when I was 5.
What made you fall in love with the sport?
I got in the pool and a lot of people said I was supposed to do swimming. They thought that’s what I looked like, a swimmer. I was doing good in the pool and it just felt good.
What’s your favorite event to compete in?
My best one is probably backstroke. My favorite is the 200 freestyle.
What’s your best time in an event?
My best time was my 100 free, that was a 1:10.
I heard you did a triathlon over the weekend. How did that go?
I placed 13th overall: third in swimming, sixth in running. Something happened in the biking, it (computer system) didn’t place me.
What other sports do you play?
In the summer, I’m going to try to do a little boxing in the afternoons. Dad wants me to try tennis, and I play basketball sometimes.
Is there any sport you’ve never tried, but always wanted to?
Tackle football. I think I’d play receiver.
What’s the best advice a coach has given you for swimming?
That there’s three really big things to swimming: attitude, attention to detail and effort.
What would you say to a kid who asks you how to get better in the pool?
Don’t give up. Listen to your coaches, because they’re always right.
What’s your favorite pre-meet meal?
Usually before a swim meet I eat a lot of carbs, so I have pasta.
How do you get hyped for a meet?
I stretch. Sometimes I do a visual of me at the swim meet, and I listen to music.
What are your goals for this year?
I’d like to accomplish at least a few better times in some of my strokes, and try to qualify for a few more of my events.