Plant City Observer

Athlete of the Week: Rose Bess

With 121 points scored, Rose Bess won first place in the 11-year-old girls division of the Optimist Club’s 45th annual Tri-Star Basketball Skills Contest on Jan. 20. Bess scored the most points out of all girls who competed in the Saturday skills competition.

Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at by the Friday before the next issue.


How do you feel after winning the competition?

I feel awesome. This is actually my first team I’ve ever played in. I haven’t been practicing, but I’ve been playing around with boys since I was little. So I had much more practice than I thought.


When did you start playing with your team?

Friday, actually. No, Thursday.


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You just started?



What made you want to do it?

It’s my friend, Angie. She’s in my team, too. She wanted me to join because some of the people quit, so I joined. I was glad I joined.


What do you like about basketball?

Just playing around, going with my friends. Having fun.


Do you play any other sports?



Who’s your favorite basketball player?

Steph Curry.


Where do you go to school?

Lake Gibson Middle School.

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What’s your favorite subject?



What do you want to be when you grow up?

An astronomer.


Were you nervous when you came out here?

I was terrified. I was shaking all over the place.


How did you calm down?

I just shot.


What advice would you give to somebody doing the competition for the first time next year?

Just do it.


If you could play any sport you’ve never tried before, what would it be?



What superpower would you like?



What’s your favorite music to listen to?

Christian music, so, the Newsboys.


What’s the first thing you would do if you got a billion dollars one day?

I wouldn’t buy anything. I would just give some to the poor.


If you could meet any famous person and hang out with them for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

Emma Watson. I would just want to sit down and talk with her and eat lunch with her.


What’s your favorite Emma Watson movie?

Harry Potter. The first one.

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