Johnson placed eighth overall in the East Hillsborough Invite.
Taylor Johnson’s goal heading into last week’s East Hillsborough Invite was eighth place in the girls race, and that’s exactly where she finished. Strawberry Crest’s top senior is also a member of the track and field team and hopes to become a veterinarian.
Know someone who deserves an Athlete of the Week feature? Email Justin Kline at jkline@plantcityobserver.com by the Friday before the next issue.
How long have you been running cross country?
I’ve done it since sixth grade. I’m a senior now.
How did you find cross country and what made you stick with it?
My brother originally did it, so then I wanted to join as well. My family runs, so it’s in the family.
When the season’s over, what would you consider a good senior year?
I want to break 19:30. It’s a big goal but I’m trying to go for it.
What are your college plans?
I want to go into veterinary medicine, so USF probably.
Who are your favorite athletes?
I don’t really have any favorite athletes.
You’re not a big sports person, you just like running?
Yeah. I run, that is totally it.
You said you want to become a veterinarian one day. Are there any specific animals you’d like to work with, or are you pretty open to anything?
Nothing in particular. Any animal. I’ve always loved animals from the start, so that’s what I really want to do.
How many pets do you have?
We have four cats, a bird and two dogs.
What are your other hobbies besides running?
I volunteer at the pet resource center, so that’s like working with the animals. I’m battalion commander of JROTC. I’m dual-enrolled right now. Most of my life is HCC, college. I’m just focusing on trying to get into a good college.
What’s a fun fact about you that maybe not a lot of people know about?
I’m pretty artistic. I’m into scrapbooking, putting together scrapbooks and stuff.
How do you get in the zone before a meet?
I just try to focus on everything positive. Everything negative, I try to get out of my head. My coach (Ben Henderson) is very motivating, so he always motivates me right before. He gives me my goal for the run, so that helps me a lot.
What is your favorite pre-meet meal?
This is gonna sound really weird. I get a buffalo chicken sandwich from Domino’s and that always boosts my energy.
Those sandwiches usually make me want to take a nap and pass out on my couch right away, and you go out there and run?
It’s usually the night before that I eat it.
So you’re getting a great night’s sleep before meet day.
Oh yeah. And then in the morning, if it’s a morning meet, I don’t usually eat anything. I just hydrate.