Since rejoining Plant City High School’s flag football team, senior quarterback Avery Brown has been on a tear. In leading the team to back-to-back mercy rule shutouts of Durant and Chamberlain, followed by Monday’s 19-0 win at Strawberry Crest, Brown has totaled eight touchdowns (versus four picks) and 770 passing yards.
You took a little break from flag football last year. What made you want to get back on the turf this year?
I just missed my girls. When I last played, we had an undefeated season. Last year, they didn’t look so hot — like, .500. I don’t know. Senior year, might as well do it.
Are you playing any other sports right now, or just flag football?
Nope, this is it. When this is over, I get out of school and go from there.
Coach (Greg) Meyer says you’ve been tearing it up lately. Was it tough for you to come back after taking a year off, or no sweat?
I mean, I had to work on things. My throws, I had to get back on point. I worked on my long ball a lot in the offseason. I can definitely tell the difference.
You guys have gotten off to a great start, so far. What are your expectations for this year?
State. That’s all I want. I want to take them to state and go as far as we can from there.
Do you play any other sports, besides flag football and basketball?
I’ve played softball my whole life, grew up doing that, and then played basketball a little bit when I was 7 or 8. I would do the YMCA and stuff. I played middle school, travel softball, and that was my life. I started basketball in high school, and then flag, and didn’t play softball until last year. I’d rather be out here any day than on the softball field.
Why give up softball?
I got burned out. I played it my entire life, year-round, maybe a week off here and there. You’d play seven or eight games a weekend, and it was exhausting. It was just too much.
What do you do for fun when you’re not playing sports?
Fishing. I fish all the time. I like to be outdoors, hang with my family, friends. Normal things.
What’s your favorite subject in school?
It used to be math. I used to be really good at math. Now, I guess it’s history, or something.
What’s your favorite movie of all time?
“Love and Basketball.”
What about TV?
“Orange is the New Black.”
What’s your favorite sports team?
I like the Gators.
Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
Peyton Manning. He’s just got a great head on his shoulders — he knows what he’s doing, and he’s great at what he does.
If you could meet anyone you’ve always looked up to, who would it be?
Probably Peyton Manning. He’s awesome. I’d ask him a lot of questions, and hang out.
If you could be rich or famous, what would you pick?
Famous. Not everyone’s happy when they’re rich. I’d rather people just know me for whatever I do, not have all the money in the world and be miserable.
Is there any sport you’ve never played before that you’ve always wanted to try?
Probably dirt bike racing. I always thought it was cool. That or lacrosse.