Strawberry Crest basketball's scoring leader has been on a hot streak.
It’s not that the Strawberry Crest girls are playing great basketball —
that’s the norm — but that junior Ayanna Matthews has more than stepped up for her new role as a primary scoring option. Matthews,
who averages 18 points per game, recorded three double-doubles in
a five-game span from Dec. 7 to 12. She’s helped the Chargers
to a 14-game win streak (as of press time).
The team’s been playing very well this year, but you’ve stepped up big time. What’s the key?
Before a game, I mentally prepare myself. I listen to music. Then we get together as one. When we’re playing, me and Bri — my twin — we’re in the top of the 22. All we do is press or go man. When we do that, we get hyped.
Do you do anything differently this
year than you might have done last year?
I realized that I have to score this year. Last year, we had seniors to do it and other players. This year, I guess it’s my year, so I stepped up to do it.
What are your strengths as a player?
I can get to the basket. No one can guard me, unless I let them hold me. I can find a way to get to the basket. I can play any position — I’m an in-and-out player.
How long have you been playing basketball?
Since the sixth grade.
How did you get started?
Watching my sister, Maiya Trigg. Watching her play.
So you and Brianna were able to come up through the program with Maiya, before she graduated.
Yes, sir.
Between you and Brianna, your twin, let’s say you’re playing one-on-one. Who wins?
I don’t know. We’re both competitive. Some days, I’m off. Some days, she’s off.
Do you play any other sports?
I can do shot put, but I haven’t done that since middle school.
Who’s your favorite athlete?
Maya Moore.
If you could play for any college team, what would it be?
I’d go with USF.
I’m kind of surprised to hear that and not a bigger program. Why USF?
Because it’s local, and my mom would be able to watch me play. That’s pretty cool.
Do you have any goals for yourself on the court?
Yes, that’s to lead my team to a state victory. This year, we can do it. We could have done it last year, but this year should be our year.
What’s the difference between this team and last year’s — the thing that’s going to get this team over that hump?
We got a new assistant coach. She knows a lot more than our past (assistant) coach. And, the way they pound us at practice, we’ve never been through that. Practice was hard last year, but this year it’s like a different level. I feel like we should be that team.
Let’s say a kid’s just getting started in basketball and asks you for some advice. What would you tell her?
Always keep a cool head. You’re going to have obstacles to face when you’re playing the game, and they may not go your way, but you’ve always got to keep a cool head. Play through it.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a basketball court?
I saved the ball, got it to my sister, and she wrapped it around the girl, passed it to me and I went up and under her. It was just a cool play. It was against Tampa Bay Tech this year.
Let’s say you can meet someone you’ve always looked up to. Who do you pick?
Kobe Bryant. I want to watch film with him. He’s a film rat. I want him to break down the game for me, so that I can get better. He’s just a great player.
You get $1 billion in the bank. What do you buy?
Shoes. I’m a Nike type of girl. I like their running shoes.
If you could pick any superpower, what would you choose?
The ability to stretch, so that I could dunk.