In the first home game of the 2015 season, the Durant Lady Cougars picked up a solid win, 17-2, over Tampa Bay Tech. One of the team’s driving forces is senior Baylee Cauwels, who has helped keep the entire Durant machine working.
“She’s an all-around athlete,” head coach Kiara Klingler says. “She has the skill to win a game singlehandedly, but she will put the team first and let others have the glory.”
You all made the playoffs last year in the team’s first season ever. What was it like, leading such a young team that far in just one season?
It’s a really good feeling. A lot of us came into it not knowing the sport at all, and we’ve learned a lot from it. We’ve learned a lot from each other. We work together really well. I really like that I get to lead them this year and see how far they’ve come since last year.
How long have you been playing lacrosse?
This year is my third season. I’ve played club with Elite.
What other sports do you play?
I run track and cross country. Track and lacrosse are my two big ones. I’ve done flag football, and I’ve swam.
How did you end up getting into lacrosse a few years ago?
It was actually my brother. He wanted to play it. He fell in love with the sport and convinced me to do it. I’m always trying new stuff. I fell in love with it — it’s such a great sport.
What is it about lacrosse that made you fall in love with the sport?
It’s more than just running, which is why I like track. It’s speed, technical stuff. You have to think. It’s a lot of practice, something you have to master. I like the challenge, and the competition is really big here. I like that.
And the girls’ game is fairly different from the game your brother’s playing, especially without contact.
I still enjoy it. I like watching both, a lot.
When you’re not playing sports, what are your hobbies?
I like hanging out with my friends. Family is a big thing for me. Mostly college applications this year. I want to go to FSU so bad. I want to be a nurse.
Would you keep playing lacrosse there, if you could?
I actually considered playing for college, but I’ve had my heart set on FSU for a while. They have a club, and I’ve heard they’re trying to go D-1.
What are your favorite movies?
I love funny movies. I like a lot of movies that have been out now, like “Unbroken” and “American Sniper” — that was a really, really, really good movie.
What about TV?
I like “The Office” a lot. The American one. I watch that in my spare time, whenever I can go on Netflix.
What’s a sport that you’ve never played before, but always wanted to try?
Rugby. I did flag football, which is similar. But, in rugby, you can get all your aggression out. You can actually have contact, which you can’t have in girls lacrosse.
So, you want to hit someone out on the field?
You have those moments, you do. You get so frustrated. I guess that makes me sound like a very aggressive person, but I feel like it would be fun to try it.
Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
I am into a lot of different sports. I’ll go with DeMarco Murray, because I love the Dallas Cowboys.
Is there any sport you’re not into?
I love watching sports, but I’m not big on soccer. Huge Dallas Cowboys fan, Boston Bruins fan, Red Sox fan. I’m kind of all over the place, when it comes to sports.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be?
To be able to replicate myself. I want to do so many things, but I’m burned out at the end of the day because I commit to too many things. It’s exhausting. This would help me get my school work done, sports, clubs, friends, boyfriend — it would be really nice and convenient.