This Plant City Little Leaguer can pitch, hit and run well.
At the Aquafina Pitch, Hit and Run competition, held Saturday, April 16, at Mike Sansone Park, many Plant City Little Leaguers put their baseball skills to the test. Brenham Hay, 8, proved to be the cream of the crop: he hit the ball 62.3 feet, had a 7.33-second run time and was the only person to hit three strikes in the pitching challenge. Hay wins a $25 giftcard from GNC at Walden Woods. He can pick up the giftcard at the Plant City Times & Observer office, 1507 S. Alexander St. #103.
Was it your first time doing Pitch, Hit and Run?
What made you want to try it?
I like pitching, because it’s my first time being in Minors. I like pitching. It’s real fun. It’s fun to hit, because I can really hit good.
Are you going to do it again next year?
Do you like pitching better or hitting?
How long have you been playing baseball?
About four years.
So you started at 4. Do you play any other sports?
Just baseball.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a baseball field?
Was there a game where you pitched really well?
I struck out two people in a row. It was the first game we played this year. The first time I pitched.
How did you feel?
Are there any sports you’ve never played, but really want to try?
Who’s your favorite baseball player?
Kevin Kiermaier, from the Tampa Bay Rays.
Why him?
Because he can run real fast, and he’s one of the coolest players to watch.
Have you ever met him?
Yes. The last Rays game we went to last year. He signed my glove.
If you could play for any MLB team, what would it be?
The Rays.
Where do you go to school?
Knights Elementary.
What’s your favorite subject?
You get $1 billion one day. What’s the first thing you buy?
A big truck.
You get any superpower you want. What do you pick?
To teleport.
Who’s your favorite superhero?
The Incredible Hulk.
Let’s say a kid comes up to you, the same age you were when you started baseball. He asks you how to get better. What do you tell him?
Just keep swinging away at home, catching and throwing at home with his dad.
What’s one part of your game you want to get better at?
What kind of pitches do you throw?
Changeup and fastball.
What pitches do you want to be able to throw?
Breaking balls.
If you could meet any famous person, who would you want to hang out with for a day?
Kevin Kiermaier.
What would you want to do?
Just go and play some ball.