As the Saturday, Aug. 21, Florida State Open draws nearer, the Senshi Do Kai MMA team is working as hard as ever to perfect its skills on the mat. One of the hardest-working members of the team, according to Shihan Q. Wiggins, has been beginner-level competitor Brock Snyder.
Have you always trained at this school?
I was somewhere else before this school. I heard about this and wanted to come here a long time, and then my dad wanted me to come. … We work really hard for the competition. This is my first competition.
Are you nervous, or excited? How are you feeling about the competition?
I’m feeling really good.
Are you competing in gi, no gi or both?
What are you looking forward to?
Winning all these medals, and getting first or second, or something.
That gym is going to be packed. Are you going to be nervous in front of a big crowd?
I’m going to forget all those people. I look back to the person I’m gonna fight, and I forget about the crowd. When I hear them, I just come in there and fight him. When it’s done, it’s done.
What are your favorite things about training in MMA?
My favorite things are working and leveling up to fight. You can pay attention to what you have to do, and do more stuff, then go to competition.
How old are you?
Seven years old.
Where do you go to school?
Lincoln Elementary.
What’s your favorite subject?
Do you play any other sports?
I play for fun. I used to play baseball, then I quit. Then I went to soccer, and when the year ended I got a huge trophy. I play in Plant City, where the big strawberry is.
When you’re not playing sports, what do you do for fun?
Xbox. I like “Minecraft.”
What’s your favorite movie?
What are your favorite sports teams?
Probably the Rays. My favorite football team is the Oregon Ducks, because they got to the championship, and I saw them beat the Seminoles, the champions, so I thought I should go with them, because they’re the best. I used to like the Gators, but they didn’t pay attention. The quarterback stinks. I don’t know why.
Who’s your favorite athlete?
I like Chris Archer, from the Rays.
If you could play any pro sport, what would it be?
I would go for football. I’m gonna play flag football soon. I would want to play running back, but I’m getting really tall. My dad said, “You have to play quarterback because you’re getting really tall.”
Let’s say that a kid came to the school to learn MMA for the first time and asked you for advice. What would you tell him about being a good fighter?
You have to train really good. We all fight each other for practice, so if you want to win, you’ve got to train really hard to win all of the fighting.
If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be?
A YouTuber: DanTDM. He makes videos about games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s” and “Minecraft.”
If you could have any superpowers, what would they be?
Super speed and flying.