After graduating from Plant City High in just three years, Brooke Miller has added another impressive accomplishment: she is now a cheerleader for the University of South Florida. Miller tried out in May and made the co-ed team, along with fellow PCHS alum Jonathan Belk, who played three years of football for the Raiders. The team cheers at football, basketball and volleyball home games and several away games.
Did you always want to cheer in college?
Yes I did. I had always planned on it, but this is actually my second year at USF, and I was going to hold off for another year. It was just kind of spur of the moment, so I figured I would just go ahead and go for it, and if anything, I would use it as practice for next year.
What was the tryout like?
It was intense. It was three days long, and after I made the first cut, I was really surprised, and it just continued. The third day, we all went for lunch, and when we came back, they called us into a room, one by one, and they told us.
What was the toughest part?
Probably just my nerves and being confident.
Were the stunts and routines what you were used to in high school?
When I first went out, I was planning on doing all girl, because as long as I’ve cheered, it has been all girl, but by the end of it, I ended up doing co-ed.
What was that like?
With all girl, there’s three girls under you, but with co-ed, there is just one guy. But the guys were really nice and funny and just made me feel comfortable.
Did having Jonathan Belk there help?
He made the team last year, and he’s the one who convinced me to go out for it. I didn’t cheer with him at Plant City, but we’ve become closer since we started cheering together at USF. He helped me out a lot by letting me know what the tryouts would be like.
What are you looking forward to?
The home football games at Raymond James and also going to some of the away games. We play Michigan State this year and go to UCF, where my sister, Daniele, goes to school, so that should be fun.
What are you studying?
Elementary education. It’s something that I wanted to do before starting college. I started my major as child psychology but decided to switch, because I want to be a teacher.