Plant City Observer

ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Cardoza Watkins

On Saturday, Aug. 1, the Plant City Dolphins and East Bay Bucs got together for the Buddy Bowl. Although the weather was less than ideal, all teams played hard. One of the top performances of the day came from Mighty Mites nose tackle Cardoza Watkins, who got four sacks against the East Bay offense in the first game of the day.

What positions do you play?

Nose, guard and offensive tackle.

How long have you been playing football?

This is my first year.

What do you like about football?

I get to hit somebody.

How did you do in the Buddy Bowl?

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What was your favorite part about it?

Getting tackles. I hit the quarterback and he got hurt.

Do you play any other sports?

Baseball, and I also do karate.

Which sport is your favorite?


What do you do for fun when you’re not playing sports?

I like to practice my stance at home.

Where do you go to school?

I used to go to pre-K, but now I go to big school at Wilson.

What’s your favorite subject?


What’s your favorite movie?

“The Waterboy.”

I heard you do a Waterboy impression?

Yes. “He spit in the c-c-c-cooler!”

Is there any sport you’ve never tried before that you’d want to play?


What position would you play?

I would want to score goals.

What’s your favorite music to listen to?

Michael Jackson.

What’s your favorite sports team?

The (Tampa Bay) Buccaneers.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Spider-Man powers.

If somebody was just starting football for the first time and asked you for advice, what would you tell them about being a good football player?

To practice real, real hard. And I would tell them, “Give it your best and focus on what you’re doing.”

What do you think is the coolest thing you’ve ever done in a football game?

I picked up a fumble last scrimmage.

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