Get to know Plant City High linebacker Cory Cotnoir.
Plant City High produced 11 county all-stars on the football field, and one of the first-teamers was senior linebacker Cory Cotnoir. Despite flying under the recruiting radar, Cotnoir’s 136 tackles (77 solo, 59 assisted) led the team, and his eight sacks were the second-most on the team.
Great season for you guys — you ran the tables after losing to Armwood and got farther than many probably thought you would. How would you say this season went, as a whole?
This year we all bonded, and we all knew what our goal was. We all bought into the program. Everyone on the team, we’re all together. We’re just one.
What bonding exercises did you all do to get closer as a team?
When we did 7-on-7, we took a bus to Florida Tech. A couple weeks ago, we went and saw that “Woodlawn” movie. Just little things.
You ended up leading the team in tackles, but you haven’t gotten as much of the recruiting spotlight as some of the other guys on the team have. What are your college prospects looking like?
I got an offer from Warner, and I’m talking to other schools, like Stetson and Florida Tech. I’m just taking my time. I should get picked up heavy soon.
How long have you been playing football?
Since I was 5 — real little. I started with the Dolphins. I’ve always played with Markese (Hargrove), Steven Ogletree, all them. I think that’s how this class is so together — we all grew up playing together.
And for you, Markese and the seniors, this was like your last run together.
I think that’s what made it so emotional, not knowing the season’s over but knowing that playing with them, that’s over.
What other sports do you play?
I play baseball. I started at left field last year, and I’m going back out this year. Our senior catcher, Trey (Matthews), graduated, so I should be getting some looks at catcher. We’ll see how that goes.
Who’s your favorite athlete?
I really like Cam Newton. He’s not just a good football player — he’s got good character all around, he gives back to the community and everything.
A lot of people don’t like his dabbing, but it sounds like you don’t mind.
I like it. I saw he said something about being a “child in a grown man’s body,” and I like that. I’m kind of like that too. You’re supposed to have fun playing the game.
Let’s say some kid from the Dolphins asks you for advice on how to be a good football player. What do you tell him?
First thing, it’s not just about football. Got to keep the grades up. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re too small, or not fast enough — that’s what I was told a whole bunch. And keep working harder and harder.
You can have any superpower you want. What do you pick?
Probably super strength.
You make the pros one day and get a $1 billion paycheck. What’s the first thing you buy?
I’d probably get my parents a house. Spoil them some, after what they’ve done for me.
Do they get the biggest house in Plant City, or do you move them somewhere else?
I know they like it here, so I’d build them a house here.
Football season’s over, so you’re now focused on baseball, school and trying to find the right college for you. What are your goals, from now through graduation?
Just to stay on top of my grades, and get bigger. I go to the gym every day. Trying to be first-team all-conference in baseball as well.
How are your grades?
I have a 4.2 GPA.
What do you think you’ll major in in college?
Either civil engineering or chiropractics.